Inventory management

Digital support

Optimise your inventory management processes with the aid of digital tools

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Automation in all fields

One way to increase efficiency is to automate process steps. Express orders, error-prone inventory monitoring and much more can be eliminated with an automatic inventory monitoring. Our products use a variety of sensors to assess demand at the dispensation point. One such tried-and-tested sensor is the weighing scale.

With our product AutoInventory, items are placed on scales and the system always knows exactly how much is currently available and automatically places re-orders via the ERP system. This form of inventory monitoring helps ensure maximum quality with minimum effort. The logistics department receives the orders in the stockroom, picks them, then simply transports the supplies to the ward, where it is now available at the dispensation point. This eliminates numerous process steps and reduces the workload for everyone – both in logistics and care.

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Solutions for hospitals

Automate inventory monitoring in the wards. In addition, you can also equip additional points with AutoInventory. Automated management is suitable for virtually any item at almost any location in the hospital.

  • Completely eliminates the logistical burden for nursing staff
  • Relieves the burden on the logistics department
  • Can be used in different wards
  • Also suitable for consumables in operating theatres
  • Efficient processes, optimum provision


Solutions for care homes

Equip the ward or central stockroom of your care home with AutoInventory and relieve the strain on your nursing staff. The system can also place orders without an existing ERP system – even from different suppliers. Everything is always handled via the same platform.

  • Relieves staff of logistical tasks
  • Reduces logistics costs
  • Suitable for central and ward stockrooms
  • Works with different suppliers


Solutions for suppliers

Retain customers and reduce your logistics costs. AutoInventory is installed in the care homes you serve – or wherever you want it. The fully automatic system orders the right items without anyone having to be there. You get the right items to the customer at a lower delivery frequency and no longer have to fill expensive express orders.

  • Reduces logistics costs by maximising order quality
  • Eliminates express deliveries, reduces order frequency
  • Increases customer loyalty
  • Can be used for ward-based management, for care homes or at any desired dispensation point


Solutions for central stockrooms

Equip parts of your stockroom with AutoInventory. The system automatically takes stock, independently manages replenishment and can also make the picking process less error-prone: If a picker picks the wrong item or quantity, the system detects this and alerts the picker to the error.

  • Eliminates picking errors
  • Reduces the cost of stocktaking
  • Ensures sufficient stock at all times

Storage solutions

We also help you set up and organise your ward rooms and ward stockrooms. Working with our partner, we provide you with bespoke solutions for storing and organising your supplies.

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Trolley systems

Customised nursing trolleys, transport trolleys, medication trolleys, blood collection trolleys and more. We will be happy to advise you on the configuration of your custom trolley.

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